
Monday, May 20, 2024

As Folks Head Into Work This Monday Morning -- May 20, 2024

Locator: 47135ECON.

NVDA: earnings due Wednesday. Today, pre-market, up $12 / share; up 1.4%. 


Later, 10:32 a.m. CDT: mid-morning trading --

Original Post

Boom! 60,000 in five years

Ryan Air
: Ka-ching!

: so yesterday?

VIX: fresh multi-year lows. M.U.L.T.I.-Y.-E.A.R.-L.O.W.

Russia --> China natural gas pipeline: keep dreaming.

Buffett cash
? Never mind. There's a reason why Buffett is forced to keep so much cash on hand.

Sanctions on Russia?
Yeah, they're working.

PC war back on? Microsoft's M1 moment? Problem? Apple has deployed the M4.

Reality sucks
. The Netherlands throws in the towel on renewables.

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