
Thursday, May 23, 2024

Another $30 / Day For Some New Yorkers To Live In Their Own Home In Manhattan Regardless Of Garage? May 23, 2024

Locator: 47167NOTTEXAS.


June 5, 2024: this incredibly ill-conceived plan is "now on hold." The NY state governor said to "hold off" for now. 

Original Post

Link here.

The real pain for Jockers isn’t that the sensors are an eyesore, it’s that the couple will be clocked by them when they drive from their modest Columbus Circle apartment to their modest house in Montauk most weekends.
Since they live on the border of the toll perimeter, and park on the street on the Upper West Side, they could conceivably end up paying $15 in and $15 out.
While acknowledging it’s not quite as taxing as the fee will be for someone who lives in a rent-stabilized apartment within the zone and depends on their car for work (however, the MTA notes that households whose “adjusted gross income is under $60,000 may qualify for a tax credit in the amount of tolls paid”), Jockers maintains that it is “significant money” for the couple. Still, he says, driving uptown to pay one bridge toll to save on another makes little sense. He doesn’t think it will have any impact on the wealthier people going back and forth from the Hamptons either.

This may be a unique situation. I don't know. But to me, it's looks like some folks could be paying an additional $30 / day or nearly another $1,000 / month to  simply park their car at home. And a couple, each with her / his own car that could rise to an extra $2,000 / month.

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