
Sunday, April 28, 2024

Earnings This Week -- April 28, 2024

Locator: 47092INV.

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Sunday night, pre-market:


Thomas Friedman, wiki

  • criticized for both weak writing style and a gravitation towards voguish positions
  • has won three Pulitzer prizes


Something has changed. Either YouTube or my "account." Regardless, it's like 1000% better and it seemed to have happened overnight. I have no idea what happened. Can't explain it. All I know, I used to love YouTube. Now, I really, really love YouTube. Amazing.

That's in the background. In the foreground, an opened book. When it came out in 2005, it was a bestseller, The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century, Thomas L. Friedman.

Holy mackerel it's a great book. I picked up a hardback edition in pristine condition for $3.00 while visiting Portland last week.

It's a great companion book to Chip War: The Fight for the World's Most Critical Technology, Chris Miller. 

In 2005 I was two years from retiring from the United States Air Force, and was soon to leave some wonderful, wonderful people behind and I was incredibly depressed. Not as depressed as I was in 1993, but it was severe. 

In 2005 I was reading voraciously but I had no interest in reading books like The World Is Flat. I'm glad I didn't. I would not have appreciated it in 2005, not as much as I appreciate it now.

Friedman was born in 1953; I was born in 1951. We are exact contemporaries. We have experienced the very same events, beginning with the Berlin Wall coming down in 1989. Netscape went public in 1995. 

Link here.

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