
Monday, March 4, 2024

The Bakken Never Ceases To Amaze Me -- Updating Four Incredible Enerplus Spotted Horn Wells -- March 4, 2024

Locator: 46677ENERPLUS.

From an earlier post:

I've always assumed Spotted Horn was named after Chief Spotted Horn of the Assiniboine mentioned in the journal of Rudolph Friedrich Kurz, 1851 - 1852. Families' names and genealogy of native Americans have always been a challenge for me, and if I do not read their history on a regular basis, I forget the history.

Be that as it may, as I was saying Enerplus has interesting names for four new wells in Spotted Horn oil field:

  • 23541,1,545, Enerplus Resources, Honor 150-94-06B-18H TF, Spotted Horn, t6/14; cum 704K 12/20; off line 5/20; returned to production 9/20; cum 726K 7/21; cum 748K 4/22; cum 766K 12/22; cum 788K 8/23;
  • 23542, 1,007, Enerplus Resources, Grace 150-94-06B-07H, Spotted Horn, t2/13; cum 371K 12/20; of the four, this is the only standard two-section lateral; the other three are the much-talked about, seldom-seen three-section laterals; was off line 4/20; but seems to be back on line 5/20; cum 382K 7/21; cum 396K 4/22; cum 410K 12/22; cum 426K 11/23;
  • 26608, 1,601, Enerplus Resources, Courage 150-94-06A-18H, Spotted Horn, t6/14; cum 655K 12/20; cum 669K 7/21; cum 682K 4/22; cum 697K 12/22; cum 716K 11/23;
  • 26609, 1,703, Enerplus Resources, Pride 150-94-06A-18H TF, Spotted Horn, t10/14; cum 564K 12/20; was off line 4/20 but seems to be back on line 5/20; cum 575K 7/21; cum 605K 4/22; cum 635K 12/22; cum 661K 9/23;

By the way, there was a "Mrs Spotted Horn Bull," a Hunkpapa Sioux who provided a fascinating oral history of that fateful day in June, 1876. 

These four incredible wells are all off line. Now why would they all be off line? Let's look at the map.

Look at all the news where there used to be only four. Wow, wow, wow.

  • 40438, drl, Enerplus, Strength 150-94-06B-18H, Spotted Horn.

It's too late. I'll finish these up later.

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