
Monday, March 4, 2024

Project For The Day -- Jackie Kennedy -- March 4, 2024

Locator: 46670BOOKS.

My "fun book" for the week. There were multiple reasons for choosing this book. Perhaps the number one reason: as a travelogue and geography lesson for that area between McLean, VA, up to Manhattan, and then up the Hudson River Valley to Vassar, an area that has always intrigued me and where I have spent some of the best days of my young life, also coming of age.

A lot of this happened in the early 50's. I was born in 1951. 

Poughkeepsie, NY:

On the second page, a description of her trip from Vassar to her stepfather's McLean, VA, estate, via train.

  • a 25-minute bus ride from Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY,
  • train to NYC; transfer from Grand Central Station to Pennsylvania station
  • train to Washington, DC, and then a short bus ride to McLean or thereabouts, I suppose

The estate:

The book: Camera Girl: The Coming of Age of Jackie Bouvier Kennedy, Carl Sferrazza Anthony, c. 2023.

The first two pages:

Then, while dating, not yet married:

Jackie's Vietnam Report that she completed for the senator:

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