
Sunday, February 11, 2024

Sunday Morning Coming Down -- February 11, 2024

Locator: 46779INANITIES.

I went to bed last night in a really, really grouchy mood. I can generally expect a naturally-occurring-chemical-depression hitting me as if a switch had been turned on every three months or so. Having said that, I don't recall the last time I've had such a spell. But last night was different: definitely nothing depressing, but rather just a grouchy, irritated feeling. 

I never know what sets off my spells of naturally-occurring-chemical-depression; they hit me completely unexpectedly, coming on like a switch has been turned on, with no identifiable cause. I think they are very similar to what folks experience when they have migraine headaches, although in those cases, migraines are generally preceded by an aura. My spells don't even give that moment of warning. The spells last a few days. Music is likely to help bring them to an end.

But the grouchiness last night was something completely different, something I seldom experience. I'm sure it has to do with "current events." 

One of my pet peeves is inanities uttered / written by journalists and politicians. Inanities from common, every day folks are to be expected. But inanities from writers and reporters for national media outlets, and from politicians is / are more than I can take. Occasional inanities are to be expected and don't bother me -- except in passing -- but this past week has been incredible.

I think it started with Nicole Nguyen's "silly" article with why she finally ended her subscription with Amazon Prime Video. What a doofus. And she's the "Personal Tech columnist" at TWSJTWSJ has great writing, but Barron's would never allow such craziness from a writer. For serious investors, Barron's is much, much better than TWSJ.

The next inanity: an unending stream of reporters covering Taylor Swift and asking two questions:

  • could she could get back from Tokyo in time for the Super Bowl? and,
  • could she even land at Harry Reid International Airport -- there were no parking spots left by Friday evening.

In both cases, those writers revealed their complete ignorance on almost everything.

The next inanity: a former president, already seen as an insurrectionist by half the American voters, double downs and says he would support Russia / Putin attacking members of NATO who he feels are free-loading.

The next inanity: a former president, already seen as a misogynist by half the American voters and almost all sentient American women, doubles down and says his opponent's husband has fled the country to be away from his wife.

The next inanity: a former president, already known to view military veterans as losers, doubles down and jokes about a soldier being deployed overseas for a full year without family. By the way, has anyone seen Melania on the campaign trail this year? I've seen Jill Biden a whole lot more.

The next inanity: a former president reminding us what we all know about the current president's age and memory problems, and he himself is nearly the same age and has the same memory problems. 

The next inanity: an Ohio's senator's interview with a nationally-recognized political pundit that got so bad, the pundit actually cut off the audio feed and viewers watched the senator continue to talk -- it was a real anachronism.

With regard to the Main Event today, I'm already burned out with the inanities. It's become a multi-ring circus. I'm pretty sure I won't watch the game. I know I won't watch the pre-game and if I do tune in it won't be before the end of the half and only then by checking the score via google. I have criteria for watching the last five minutes of the game and if those criteria are not met, I will not watch any of the game. It's going to be a great day for golf, for blogging, and for reading.

What else put me in a bad mood? Lana Del Rey still not winning a Grammy. She has eleven nominations, including five this year, and no wins. The fact that my wife can't stand her, makes it even worse -- my grouchiness. And just before Valentine's Day. This week may be touch and go. LOL. 

What else? Residential castles in urban American occupied by two adults (generally husband / wife, male / female, binary); one-point-three children, two cats, and a lap dog. 

What else? Phil LaBeau but that is nothing new.

Wow, wow, wow. Clawing his way up the leader board -- this is absolutely amazing: Scottie Scheffler after the 13th hole shares the lead at 13-under with Sahith Theegala after the 12th hole. Scheffler and many others are completing their third round (called early on Saturday) while others have already begun the fourth round. There will be no re-shuffling of groups and no break as golfers move from the third round to the fourth round.

And we move on. 

But mocking a serviceman deployed overseas for an entire year without his family is a new low (even) for Trump. I’ve had it with him. 

It’s hard to argue that doesn’t open the door for pulling no punches politically going forward. Stay tuned.


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Jack Antonoff.

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