
Saturday, February 3, 2024

3:50 p.m. CT -- US Hits At Least 30 Targets In Yemen -- February 3, 2024

Locator: 46732YEMEN.

Yemen, local time in Yemen: midnight. From the AP and Yahoo!News:

The United States and Britain struck at least 30 Houthi targets in Yemen on Saturday in a second wave of assaults meant to further disable Iran-backed groups that have relentlessly attacked American and international interests in the wake of the Israel-Hamas war.

The latest strikes against the Houthis were launched by ships and fighter jets. The strikes follow an air assault in Iraq and Syria on Friday that targeted other Iranian-backed militias and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard in retaliation for the drone strike that killed three U.S. troops in Jordan last weekend.

The Houthi targets were in 10 different locations and were struck by U.S. F/A-18 fighter jets from the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower aircraft carrier and by American warships firing Tomahawk missiles from the Red Sea.

According to officials, the USS Gravely and the USS Carney, both Navy destroyers, launched missiles.

Nothing like "real" missions for our warfighters to maintain their warfighting skills. 

From Peter Zeihan:

No matter how much bubble wrap and caution tape we slap onto global maritime shipping, the industry has found itself in quite a predicament.

Despite the Ukraine War, a drought impacting the Panama Canal, Houthi attacks in Yemen, widespread piracy, and mounting geopolitical tensions in the South China Sea (yes, that is a lot of disruptions), the maritime shipping system has not cracked yet. However, it is very, very, very fragile.
The main thing propping up shipping in these more problematic regions is the emergence of 'ghost fleets' with alternative insurance policies. This insurance system is untested and unreliable, and as soon as one of the dominos falls, the entirety of the shipping system will follow.

The looming threat of a shipping collapse should terrify you. In case you need a supply chain refresher, manufacturing and global shipping is more interconnected than if the global shipping system fails, we're in for a world of hurt.

The video here

The Golf Page

ATT Pebble Beach

Wyndham Clark sets a round record: 60. 



Some of my best memories include Pebble Beach -- the California coast from Santa Barbara to Santa Cruz to Fisherman's Wharf. 

I spent as much time along that coast between 1972 and 1983 as I did in north Yorkshire, England, between 2002 and 2004, or thereabouts.

In a parallel universe I would want to live along that California coast between 1955 - 1965, age 18 - 28, with a rich uncle who hated to part with his money but lived his "real" life vicariously through his 20-something nephew. 

Vehicle of choice: a 1960 classic Volkswagen bus.

As long as I'm reminiscing, in another parallel universe

  • north Yorkshire, England, specifically Pateley Bridge
  • 1955 - 1965
  • 1955 Land Rover
  • age 38 - 48
The Book Page

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