
Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Back To The Bakken -- January 23, 2024

Locator: 46625B.

Portland, Oregon: there are reports that upwards of a dozen people died during freezing weather in Portland, OR, because some warming centers were closed during the ice storm. 

Getting very little national attention. On the other hand, no one died during the recent Boeing a/c loss of an exit door panel and that story is getting days and days of national attention and headlines. In some parts of Portland, Oregon, residents were without electricity for more than eight days. Last update was a couple days ago; no update if electricity is now restored.

Back to the Bakken

WTI: $74.53.

Active rigs: 39.

Four new permits, #40464 - #40467, inclusive:

  • Operator: Enerplus; Kraken (3)
  • Field: Lone Butte (Dunn County); and, Hebron (Williams)
  • Comments:
    • Enerplus has a permit for a Devils Canyon well, SWSE 8-147-97, 
      • to be sited 1076 FSL and 1652 FEL;
    • Kraken has permits for two Milloy wells and one Fasching LE well, NENE 15-155-104, 
      • to be sited 450 FEL and between 388 FNL and 454 FNL;

Three producing wells (DUCs) reported to be completed:

  • 39779, 698, Oasis, Blanchet Federal 5693 14-21 3B,
  • 39781, 818, Oasis, Blanchet Federal 5693 14-21 5B,
  • 39823, 1,441, Grayson Mill, Figaro 32-29 4H,

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