
Monday, January 22, 2024

A Bunch Of Wells Coming Off Confidential List Over Four Days -- January 22, 2024

Locator: 46615B.

Pending: google ratings nielsen viewers kc chiefs vs buffalo bills yesterday. See this post. Number to beat: 23 million.

Dallas Cowboys: dissension over Dak among family, teammates on twitter. Add this to my discussion of the Cowboys at this blog in which I re-iterated my question marks about Dak:

  • Dak getting older; injury-prone? 
  • Aaron Rogers 
  • younger teams; time to re-build?
  • age of the starting QBs for the 32 NFL teams: throw out the outliers (32+) and the average age appears to be about 24 years old. Dak? 30 years old. Not getting any younger; four NFL starting QBs 30+ (?).


  • did anyone see this coming today: Apple up nicely;
  • WTI opened up at the opening -- seldom seen on a Monday

Personal investing:

  • sold all my KMI shares
  • bought DE with the proceeds

Disclaimer: this is not an investment site. Do not make any investment, financial, job, career, travel, or relationship decisions based on what you read here or think you may have read here. 

All my posts are done quickly: there will be content and typographical errors. If anything on any of my posts is important to you, go to the source. If/when I find typographical / content errors, I will correct them. 

Again, all my posts are done quickly. There will be typographical and content errors in all my posts. If any of my posts are important to you, go to the source.

Back to the Bakken

WTI: $74.73.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024: 43 for the month; 43 for the quarter, 43 for the year

Monday, January 22, 2024: 43 for the month; 43 for the quarter, 43 for the year
35369, conf, Enerplus, Quoll 152-94-23CH
30916, conf, BR, Saddle Butte 14-9 MBH-ULW,

Sunday, January 21, 2024: 41 for the month; 41 for the quarter, 41 for the year
39280, conf, Liberty Resources, CA C 158-93-21-23-2MBHX,
39279, conf, Liberty Resources, CA C 158-93-21-23-1MBHX,
39278, conf, Liberty Resources, NV C 158-93-16-14-20MBHX,
39277, conf, Liberty Resources, NV C 158-93-16-14-5MBHX,
39051, conf, Oasis, Bergem 5199 43-33 4B,
30915, conf, BR, Saddle Butte 14-9 TFH,

Saturday, January 20, 2024: 35 for the month; 35 for the quarter, 35 for the year
39946, conf,  Resonance Exploration, Resonance Lodoen 12-36H INJ,
30914, conf, BR, Curtis 14-9 MBH,

RBN Energy: new pipelines and power plants spur ever-higher natural gas exports to Mexico.

With all the talk about U.S. LNG exports and plans for more LNG export capacity, it can be easy to forget that more than 6 Bcf/d of U.S. natural gas — mostly from the Permian and the Eagle Ford — is being piped to Mexico. That’s more than 3X the volumes that were being piped south of the border 10 years ago, a tripling made possible by the buildout of new pipelines from the Agua Dulce and Waha hubs to the Rio Grande and, from there, new pipes within Mexico. And where is all that gas headed? Mostly to new gas-fired power plants and industrial facilities — a handful of new LNG export terminals being planned on that side of the border will only add to the demand. In today’s RBN blog, we discuss the ever-increasing flows of gas to Mexico and the tens of billions of dollars of new infrastructure making it all possible.

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