
Monday, November 6, 2023

Here It Is US! Oil Production — The All-Time Record Set In August, 2023 — Also, A Covid / Paxlovid Update — November 6, 2023

Locator: 45961OIL.
Locator: 45961COVID.    

Link here.

Surpasses the record set in November, 2019, just before Covid-19 upended everything.

This record occurred under President Biden’s watch.

Speaking of Covid, I just returned from visiting Portland.

Here’s the Covid data for Oregon: link here. It appears the last reported Covid-19-related death was back in May, 2023, or thereabouts. There is virtually no evidence of Covid-19 in Oregon since the beginning of last (2023) summer. Is there any other state reporting similar data?

With regard to deaths, Washington state is very similar.

In fact, one can find many such cases. 

The combination of vaccination, early testing, early intervention, modern medicine, and, no doubt, Paxlovid, has made all the difference in the world.

Of course, some folks will still take President Trump’s advice, of which I have lost the bubble.

According to HHS, through the end of 2024, people who are uninsured and those who have Medicare or Medicaid coverage will continue to be able to get Paxlovid for free through a patient assistance program set up by Pfizer
That should mean that you pay nothing at the pharmacy counter. 
HHS also says that people who are covered through the Indian Health Service, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), and the Department of Defense will continue to get Paxlovid through the supplies purchased by the government.

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