
Thursday, October 5, 2023

Which Story Caught The Biden Administration's Attention? October 5, 2023

Locator: 45654SURGE. 

Which story caught the attention of the Biden administration with regard to the southern surge?

El Paso or Massachusetts? Three guesses and the first two don't county. 

I posted this early this morning even before I started getting notes from readers.

  • Biden Builds Back Better -- starting with "the wall."
    • all of a sudden the migration story is a big, big, big story 

Anyway. Whatever.

Massachusetts: link here. By the way, NYC's dilapidated hotels are seeing a resurgence. But that's another story for another day.

From the linked article: 
While migrants pour into Chicago, another city with influx is forced to set limits.
FOXBORO - It is one of the most anticipated games in college football and this year it is being played at Gillette Stadium.
The Army-Navy game will make its Foxboro debut on December 9th. American presidents often attend, but you can be certain tens of thousands of veterans will pour into the greater Boston area.
Tickets to the game sell out quickly and hotel rooms become a hot commodity. That's why it was all the more troubling when Mark Mansbach, a travel agent out of New Jersey, started getting calls from clients that their hotel rooms for the game were being canceled.
He decided to call the hotels his agency was partnering with for the game.
"They were leasing out the hotels to the state of Massachusetts for refugees," Mansbach said he was told. It was the response from three hotels owned by Giri Hotel Management, according to Mansbach. The company, he explained, was working with the state to house migrants under the right to shelter law. [No: the "sancturary city" law.]
His clients' previously booked hotel rooms were canceled to continue the lease with the state. Mansbach said at least 70 of his reservations were impacted. [There are only 51,000 hotel rooms in the greater Boston area.
Military veterans are being displaced by undocumented tourists.

El Paso: link here

Today, four of the top five stories for CBS News -- migration. The top story was the Massachusetts story linked above.


This Really Is A Great Country

Life is a cycle.

I can go months not visiting Starbucks and then I can months visiting Starbucks every morning, 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.

Currently, I'm in my Starbucks phase. I know almost all the baristas and they all know me by name. I recognize most of the in-store customers. 

Today, a new customer:

  • tall Swedish blonde; if she's not 5-11, she's 6-1 -- she just stood up -- she's at least 6-2
  • high school volleyball player, varsity since a freshman
  • busy school day ahead for her
  • household too noisy this morning
    • needed to get out of the house, or
    • needed a break
  • Apple computer
  • text books
  • large Refresher™
  • brand new driver's license
  • feeling independent
  • UT-Austin next year (her safe school if not accepted by Harvard, Duke, or Princeton)
    • what a great state

I vaguely remember getting my first driver's license. Actually I don't member that all. I remember summer driver education courses with my high school German teacher, Herr Beggs.

Wow, I love this country.

But, Hungary was fun, too, back during WWI.


  1. I wonder if the Current administration will consider renting unused Store space in the old shopping malls which used to be retail shopping. With the aid of a Small ( think Billions) in subsidies these will be converted to Barrick housing for the New Arrivals, after they fill up all the Hotels.

    1. Absolutely brilliant. I wish I had thought of that. And if readers of the blog can think of that, surely movers and shakers on Wall Street have thought of that. I assume empty malls are a bigger issue west of the Hudson / west of the Potomac and that's why the financiers and politicos have not thought of that.


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