
Tuesday, October 24, 2023

The EV Has Lost Its Luster -- October 24, 2023

Locator: 45817EVS. 

 More and more it appears the appeal for EVs has plateaued -- here's another article in today's WSJ:

I haven't checked recent polls but when I last checked, the vast majority of folks who had bought their first EV, had no plans to ever buy a second EV, and when it came time to replace an EV, the majority were going to go back to ICE vehicles.

Now, those advocating EVs blame the "hesitation" on "infrastructure." Nice excuse. 

This is the real problem: EVs are luxury vehicles, trending toward $100,000. Most Americans can't afford luxury vehicles.

The most successful vehicle for the masses might be the Chevy Bolt -- there's another story out there today that GM has decided to "bring back" the Bolt. 

GM has planned to end production of the Bolt but apparently that's the only EV that Americans can/could afford. And the problem with a Bolt? It's not a family car. Room for the driver and one passenger. Perhaps an extra passenger or two as long as there was no additional sports gear -- in other words, bluntly, Bolts aren't for soccer moms.

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