
Thursday, October 5, 2023

McDonald's Announces Dividend Increase; WTI Still In Free-Fall -- October 5, 2023

Locator: 45656INV.   

McDonald's quarterly dividend: a ten-percent increase? Needs to be fact-checked.

  • previous: $1.52 (?)
  • new: $1.67 (?) -- payable December 15, 2023

WTI: what happened to that $100-WTI prediction.

EVs today:

  • RIVN: holy mackerel -- time for a stand-alone post.
  • ARVL:
  • LCID:

Stories coming fast and furious: renewable energy companies are coming undone. We'll talk about them in a stand-alone post but family commitments will delay that posting until later this evening. Stay tuned; don't switch channels.

Gasoline demand didn't collapse this week. Josh Young. LOL. Link here. Okay, so maybe "demand" did not collapse, but the price of WTI certainly did.

Doesn't matter! It's Thursday night football -- a "0 - 4" team takes on a "2-2" team. Wow, this should be exciting. 

Back to the Bakken

Active rigs: 34.

WTI: $82.31.

Two new permits, #40242- #40243, inclusive:

  • Operator: MRO
  • Field: Killdeer (Dunn County)
  • Comments:
    • MRO has permits for two wells, a Leny Jo well and a KGC well, SESW 31-146-94; 
      • the Leny Jo to be sited 759 FSL and 2083 FWL;
      • the KGC well to be sited 815 FSL and 2140 FWL; 

This will be interesting to follow, approved for horizontal re-entry;

  • 15320, Denbury Onshore, CHSU 43-18NH 15, Cedar Hills South Unit; Bowman County; no production data; file says when the well was drilled in 2002 it was a producing well, but I don't see any production data;

Previous history:

  • 15320, application, dirt work date: 01/01/2022
  • type of well: CO2 injection; conversion
  • looks like a Red River B injection zone;
  • TVD: 8922 to 9017


The current CO2 development plan is for injectors to remain on continuous CO2 injection, rather than a water-alternating-gas (WAG) cycle as common in other CO2 floods. Once the CO2 flood reaches a level of maturity, the flood is planned to return to continuous water injection. While subject to change, the current estimate is that water injection could resume in some areas as early as 3 years after the CO2 flood is initiated.

Injection Sources

A 123.5 mile-long, 16-inch and 12-inch diameter carbon dioxide (CO2) pipeline with ancillary facilities will be used to bring CO2 to the Cedar Hills South Unit (CHSU). The 16-inch pipeline will originate from the existing terminus of the Greencore pipeline at the Bell Creek Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) Development in Powder River County, Montana, extending north and east through Carter County, Montana, and terminating at the proposed Cedar Creek Anticline (CCA) Booster Pump station located in Fallon County, Montana (the Project). The 12-inch pipeline will originate from the proposed Cedar Creek Anticline (CCA) Booster Pump station located in Fallon County, Montana (the Project) and terminating at the proposed Miller Meter station located in Bowman County, North Dakota. The proposed Project will transmit liquid (dense phase) CO2 from the Bell Creek EOR Development to CHSU. CO2 for the project will be supplied from the LaBarge Field via the Exxon Shute Creek Gas Plant and the Lost Cabin Field via the Lost Cabin Gas Plant.

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