
Monday, October 30, 2023

Laser-Focused On Dividends -- Cheniere Energy Raises Dividend 10%; Twelve Wells Coming Off Confidential List Over Weekend -- October 30, 2023

Locator: 45861B.

Cheniere Energy: raises dividend 10%.

Okay: I'll believe it when I see it. Truly a fool's errand to predict oil prices. In fact, refiners have a four-week supply of crude oil (and this does not include the SPR).

Back to the Bakken

WTI: $83.63. Down 2.23%; down $1.19. Tea leaves suggest Mideast conflict is being "managed."

Tuesday, October 31, 2023: 79 for the month; 79 for the quarter, 649 for the year -- Halloween

Monday, October 30, 2023: 79 for the month; 79 for the quarter, 649 for the year
39652, conf, CLR, Brooks 4-9HSL1,
39321, conf, Oasis, Osprey 5401 44-23 3B,
38758, conf, Oasis, Dahl W Federal 5301 13-15 5B,

Sunday, October 29, 2023: 76 for the month; 76 for the quarter, 646 for the year
39720, conf, Kraken Blaine LE 33-28 4H,
38757, conf, Oasis, Dahl W Federal 5301 13-15 4B,
38095, conf, Enerplus, Blue 148-93-05D-06H,
34633, conf, MRO, Satrum 11-17TFH,
31205, conf, BR, Abercrombie 6-8-12UTFH,

Saturday, October 28, 2023: 71 for the month; 71 for the quarter, 641 for the year
39719, conf, Kraken, Blaine LE 33-28 11H,
38924, conf, Oasis, Kestrel 5401 43-22 4B,
38756, conf, Oasis, Dahl W Federal 5301 13-15 3B,
38755, conf, Oasis, Dahl W Federal 5301 13-15-2B,

RBN Energy: are we entering the age of certified / differentiated natural gas?

Certified or differentiated natural gas — an upgrade from the old “responsibly sourced gas” — is on the rise. More and more producers, pipeline companies, gas utilities and LNG exporters and buyers want their gas to be certified as having a lower emissions profile, and for a variety of reasons, chief among them achieving their ESG goals and winning over ESG-minded investors and customers.
But while there’s a consensus that methane and other greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions can and should be reduced significantly, there are differing views about the best ways to monitor wells, pipelines and other infrastructure for methane leaks, measure total emissions, and ensure that emission reductions are real and sustainable. In today’s RBN blog, we continue our deep dive on certified/differentiated gas with a look at the approaches the leading certification/differentiation entities and others are taking in emission monitoring, measuring and scoring.

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