
Thursday, October 5, 2023

DuckDuckGo -- Bing? October 5, 2023

Locator: 45650TECH.

DuckDuckWent for Bing. Who wudda guessed. I did not see this on my bingo card today.

Well, isn't this interesting. 

Now it comes out.

Took a lawsuit.

Turns out that DuckDuckGo uses Bing -- MICROSOFT -- for ... wait for it ... search.

All things being equal, who do you trust more? Microsoft or Google?

The question now: what other search engines use one of the big two for search?

Link here

Meanwhile, 3M -- I'll Get Back To This Later

Apparently others are reading the blog. 

One can start here with my original post.

From The WSJ today:

The writers conveniently left out a lot in that short paragraph. 

So, what's 3M focused on today? 

John Banovetz, 3M’s chief technology officer, said the company’s reduction in product rollouts shows its push for quality over quantity.
The company has focused its bets on potentially high-growth areas such as climate-saving technology and its fast-selling electric-vehicle components.
“The R&D machine is alive and well,” he said.
Current and former scientists say the strategy makes it more difficult for fresh ideas to survive a gantlet of management naysayers. For decades, 3M released a cascade of new items on the market, confident most would be profitable and a few would become indispensable. The company has retreated from its traditional goal of earning around 30% of revenue from new products.

Next Up: Rivian

A loss of $33,000 per car. Barron's today.

Shares surged yesterday when CEO says "looking for $40K in cost savings." Okay. 

Earlier this year I was looking for $40,000 in deductions when filing IRS taxes. Didn't find nearly that much.

By the way, the model above? Remind you of anything? There was a very, very well-selling vehicle back in the 1960s or thereabouts that looked almost identical. Including the color scheme. It seems I see a lot of them on blocks in Portland these days -- but perhaps that's just my imagination. 

I did not know.

Ford Bronco

Market cap:

  • F: $48 billion
  • RIVN: $22 billion

Ticker: up 9%, down 95 --

But We Move On

I'll guess we'll quit here but there's so much more yet to come:

  • Biden Builds Back Better -- starting with "the wall."
    • all of a sudden the migration story is a big, big, big story
  • which reminds me, has anything been heard from that El Paso politico who I've long forgotten
  • the woman "Penn" loved to hate until she won the Nobel Prize for Medicine
  • the Nobel Prize for Literature
  • New England and price of heating oil 
  • how fast things change -- overnight -- yeah, right?
    • yesterday: deficits don't lead to inflation
    • today: inflation caused by deficits


  1. Consider Adoption and the extra deductions for Tax reduction plan.

    1. I was thinking of starting a business and hiring 20 employees and then apply for government Covid-19 incentives.


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