
Tuesday, September 12, 2023

WTI: $88 -- Oil Stocks? Yawn -- September 12, 2023

Locator: 45621B.

WTI: $88.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023: 83 for the month; 285 for the quarter, 530 for the year
39641, conf, CLR, Gordon Federal 24-8HSL1,
39624, conf, Creescent Point, CPEUSC Ruby 4 20-17-158N-100W-MBH,
36574, conf, Hess, EN-Kiesel-155-94-1918H-5,

Tuesday, September 12, 2023: 80 for the month; 282 for the quarter, 527for the year
39625, conf, Crescent Point, CPEUUSC Matilda May 5 29-32-158N-100W-MBH,
38900, conf, Whiting, Snowshoe Federal 31-30-4H,
37926, conf, BR, Boxer 2C TFH

RBN Energy: storage values are making a comeback; but will a capacity build-out follow?

After being relegated to the back burner during the shale boom, the natural gas storage market is showing signs of a comeback. Market participants are clamoring for storage solutions, storage values are rising, and storage deals and expansions are bubbling up. However, that won’t necessarily lead to a widespread build-out of new storage capacity like the one that transpired in the pre-shale storage heyday of the mid-to-late 2000s. That’s because the world has changed, and what’s driving storage values today is vastly different than what drove the last big capacity build-out. In today’s RBN blog, we look at the emerging developments in the storage market, what’s driving them, and the implications for Lower 48 storage capacity.

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