
Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Will We See $89 Tomorrow? Three New Permits; Two Permits Renewed; Two DUCs Reported As Completed -- September 12, 2023

Locator: 45625B. 

McDonald's: about time. They should have done this years ago -- great decision on so many levels. McDonald's to remove self-serve soda machines. Smart, smart, smart.

Undocumented visitors: if NYC can't handle a thousand visitors from Texas, how in the world is Texas "handling" tens of thousands from Mexico on a daily basis? I see a lot of stories about the plights of NYC and San Francisco when it comes to undocumented visitors, but seldom an article on Texas and this issue.

Twitter: search Aaron Rodgers.

Back to the Bakken

WTI: $88.84. Up $1.55 and up 1.78%. Whoo-hoo:

  • CVX: up almost 2% today; up over $3 / share
  • COP: up 2.2%;
  • PSX: up almost 2%
  • MPC: up 1.75%
  • KMI: up 2.8%
Three new permits, #40198 - #40200, inclusive:
  • Operators: Grayson Mill (2); BR
  • Fields: Briar Creek (McKenzie County); Elidah (McKenzie)
  • Comments:
    • BR has a permit for a Nordeng well, lot 1, section 5-151-97; 
      • to be sited 419 FNL an 1247 FEL; 
    • Grayson Mill has permits for two Hopes wells, lot 4, section 30-152-104; 
      • one to be sited 860 FSL and 300 FWL and the other 890 FSL and 301 FWL
Two permits renewed:
  • 33973, Enerplus, a Titanium permit; Moccasin Creek, Dunn County;
  • 33974, Enerplus, a Silver permit; Moccasin Creek, Dunn County;
Two producing wells (DUCs) were reported as completed:
  • 39614, 1,420, Kraken, Gladys 29-20-17 4H,
  • 39615, 1,301, Kraken, Gladys LE 29-20-17 1H,

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