
Saturday, August 12, 2023

Two "Investing" Links -- Taxes And Retirement -- August 12, 2023

Locator: 45438PERSFIN.

Retirement's tricky tax questions: The WSJ

What a $5-million-retirement looks like: The WSJ

Probably the most accurate data set I've seen regarding this issue:

But this is all Americans, including newborns, I suppose.

We need to see this data by age group, perhaps starting with those 45 and older.

From Yahoo!Finance:

It seems a lot of MAGA folks criticize FDR for social security. Can you imagine the US without that safety net?

I had not / have not seen US Savings Bonds mentioned much recently. That's how I got my start in investing. I don't recall the exact year, but I recall being a student at Wilkinson Elementary School, grades 2 - 6, on the northwest side of town at the time -- I started with $50 bonds bought for $25 sometime before sixth grade.

Our family, at the time, had very, very little discretionary income -- how my mother came up with an occasional $25 to buy a $50-bond is beyond me. I believe I cashed out all those bonds to help pay tuition for my first year of college, Augustana College, Sioux Falls, SD. It was an eye-opener to see seven-plus years of diligent saving to be swept away in one afternoon, paying for "part" of my first semester tuition.

But at that time, every little bit helped. 

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