
Sunday, August 20, 2023

For The Archives -- A Birthday Celebration -- August 20, 2023

Locator: 45432ARCHIVES. 

Birthday dinner, son-in-law and daughter (Sophia's parents):

The books I am currently reading: this is most of them. 

I'm still reading The Naked and the Dead, also. The Hitchens memoirs just arrived this morning (Sunday). I've been slogging through 1989 for several weeks now; it is one of the best books on the subject, period. dot. Lexington, the third book from the top was a gift from the middle granddaughter, Olivia -- a book on the great racehorse.

Years ago, I read a chapter a night from Black Beauty to our oldest granddaughter about age three to five or somewhere in there. I tried reading the book to our middle granddaughter a couple years later but she showed no interest, and since I had read it two or three times with the oldest, I had also lost interest. But then, with Sophia, we started again, and got about halfway through when she moved on to other books, including a graphic novel in Spanish. 

Anyway, I guess Olivia has heard that story too many times and to assuage her guilt, she got me the book on that racehorse. She says the cashier asked her if she (Olivia) was sure about getting this book (say what?). Apparently the cashier didn't think a junior in high school would be interested in a racehorse from the 19th century.

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