
Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Soared -- Housing Starts -- Housing Permits -- June 20, 2023

Locator: 44977ECON.   

Housing starts, month/month:

  • May, 2023:
  • forecast: a decrease, estimate -0.1%
  • actual: an astounding +21.7%
  • prior:
  • revised down
  • original was: +2.2% month over month
  • revised: -2.9%

Housing permits, month/month:

  • May, 2023
  • forecast: 0.6%
  • actual: a remarkable 5.2%
  • prior: 
  • no change
  • original was: -1.4%
  • revised: -1.5%

Link here.

Someone needs to "draw" simpler graphs. LOL.

Add this chart to the other charts.

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