
Monday, May 22, 2023

Inflation Watch -- Eggs -- May 22, 2023

Locator: 44721INFL.
Locator: 44721BUD.

At Walmart this morning:

  • $1.24 / dozen / white -- lowest price for a dozen eggs; probably less if bought in volume
  • $1.36 / dozen / white -- store brand

From Barron's last month:

I know he was blamed for high price of eggs; I wonder if President Biden will get credit for bringing price of eggs down. There is some suggestion that eggs are valued / priced at less than $0.00 (no typo) but transportation costs, grocers / middlemen handling bring eggs to $1.30 / dozen.

The article above also helps explain why Costco was able to maintain prices on their rotisserie chickens, but it certainly suggests grocers were making a lot of money on those rotisserie chickens as they raised the prices from $5.99 / chicken to $9.99 / chicken this past year (at least in our regional grocery stores).

Bud -- It's Even WorseThan I Thought

The WSJ had a very, very long article over the weekend on the Bud debacle. I did not link it or note it because the story was pretty well known; not much more to add. [Maybe I did post it; don't remember.]

One data point caught my attention but not enough to get me to post / link the article, but after getting a note from a reader today, I decided to post it.

The link:

Anyway, this data point of interest, from The WSJ article, "how Bud Lite Blew It" and what it is doing to make amends:

The company is planning to have Bud Light sponsor a veterans group for the first time ever, the Journal reported. 

So, when Bud Light is/was trying to expand its consumer base, they went with Mulvaney first rather than with US military vets? 

Let's see, Memorial Day was on its radar scope when Bud Lite went with Mulvaney? Pride month was further out (June).

How long has Bud / Bud Lite been around? And all those decades Bud Lite has never sponsored a US veterans group! Holy mackerel. 

I was giving the benefit of the doubt to the two marketing execs who made the Mulvaney-face-on-a-can decision but no more. Not sponsoring a US veterans group all these years is beyond the pale, as they say, a true deal-breaker for me.


Link here

To say the least, this certainly gets tiresome.

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