
Tuesday, April 11, 2023

HyVelocity Hydrogen Hub Update -- April 11, 2023

Locator: 44360B.  

Link here.

US hydrogen hubs. 

DOE: $8-billion lottery.

From the link:

HyVelocity Hub—a US Gulf Coast hydrogen hub being organized by Chevron Corp., Sempra Infrastructure, Ørsted AS, Air Liquide SA, GTI Energy, University of Texas at Austin, and The Center for Houston’s Future, among others—has applied for funding from the US Department of Energy’s (DOE) $8-billion regional clean hydrogen hubs program to rapidly scale clean hydrogen supply and demand along the Gulf Coast in Texas and southwest Louisiana. 

The US Congress, in 2021’s Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, authorized a program of regional clean hydrogen hubs, appropriating the funding for DOE to make awards to support at least four demonstration projects involving networks of clean hydrogen producers and consumers and the connecting infrastructure (OGJ Online, Dec. 5, 2022). 

The Gulf Coast is well situated for a clean hydrogen hub, according to HyVelocity, as it already contains the world’s largest concentration of existing hydrogen production, customers, and energy infrastructure, with a network of 48 hydrogen production plants and more than 1,000 miles of dedicated hydrogen pipelines.

An RBN Energy blog from the other day.

RBN Energy: LIGH2T hydrogen hub seen as platform for industrial-scale decarbonization, part 3.Only because North Dakota is involved am I interested in hydrogen. Archived.

There’s been a lot written about the federal government’s plan to provide billions of dollars in financial support to create a limited number of regional hydrogen hubs but not a lot of insight about how those hub proposals are being crafted to meet the Department of Energy’s (DOE) selection criteria. The details and strategies behind those plans have been hard to come by because few of the initial concept papers were made public while others remain a mystery, even months after the first informal winnowing of candidates. One exception is the Leading in Gulf Coast Hydrogen Transition (LIGH2T) hub proposal being prepared by a consortium that includes a large group of states, some key commercial partners, several universities and the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL). In today’s RBN blog, we look at what we know about the LIGH2T proposal, which will submit a full application by the April 7 deadline, and how it addresses three key factors likely to play a role in the selection process.

The Art Page

I asked Olivia, now a junior in high school if she remembered this painting she did when she was in kindergarten. She said she did not, but she recalls enjoying drawing sea / underwater scenes along with her friend Kiki when they were in kindergarten together when she lived in the Boston area.

Kiki was also her friend that got Olivia involved in soccer and, now, ten years later, Olivia is on her way "to state" ... wow, I have fond memories of those days. What I would do to re-live those days --

By Olivia, age 5. Probably mixed media: water colour and colored pencil. The detail is remarkable, and the shading is incredible.

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