
Monday, March 6, 2023

The B-52 Is Simply Incredible -- March 6, 2023

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After completing flight medicine training, the B-52 was the first operational a/c I flew on as a crew member. I assume it was the B-52H, but I've long forgotten.

It was an all-night, terrrain-following, low-altitude training mission that took off from Grand Forks AFB, ND, about 8:00 p.m., flying over (through?) the Rocky Mountains (Montana?) and returning to base about 8:00 a.m. the next morning. It's possible we returned earlier; I've forgotten a lot. The mission included in-flight re-fueling. 

The flight jacket I was issued still had the name of the flyer that had that jacket before I did: Major Baier. I had that jacket for thirty years and was allowed to keep it upon retiring. It's one of my few prized possessions from those days of flying. That jacket is still in excellent shape and is the only one I wear on Veterans' Day. Next time I get it out, I'll take a photo and sharer it.

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