
Wednesday, March 8, 2023

I'm Sleeping Well Tonight -- AXP Just Increased Its Dividend 15% -- March 8, 2023

My hunch: Warren Buffett has better "intel" than the Biden administration. LOL. 

AXP: wow, wow, wow. American Express (AXP) just increased its dividend from 52 cents to 60 cents (that's a 15% increase in its quarterly dividend) -- Warren Buffett will sleep well tonight. LOL. Laser focused on dividends. Go ahead and invest in bonds; I'm sticking with equities. LOL. [Later: QCOM is also raising its quarterly dividend,]

Marketing: we need more "Boar's Head" commercials and fewer "woke" commercials.  

Another hunch: 44,000 hours of "January 6" video was released to "Tucker" on one condition -- Tucker was to report "January 6" without bias -- if reported "with bias," McCarthy would release the 44,000 hours to ABC, CBS, and NBC. Fight's on. 

Biden's tax proposals: I fully support.  

Jason Bourne: one can never watch "Jason Bourne" too many times. LOL.

Alexa: knows exactly what I like.

Summer Project

For The Archives

If I had my life to live over again, I would have spent more time in England and Scotland. 

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