
Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Let's See If This Analyst's Forecast Ages Well -- My Counter-Point: "Production Follows Price" -- Seems Obvious -- January 25, 2025


January 25, 2023: as I said earlier (see below), "production follows price." 

January 22, 2023: global upstream to increase a whopping twelve percent in 2023. Think SLB?

January 21, 2023: update. 

Original Post 

This will be a most interesting story to follow. 

The "talking points": 

I respectfully disagree. Maybe someday I'll explain why.

For now, this will do: "production follows price." 

But right or wrong, for an investor, it really does not matter. It's all very, very bullish. 

And don't forget, the Biden administration official energy policy is "no more drilling." 

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