
Monday, January 30, 2023

Bakken Energy's Beulah Hydrogen Plan -- Into Thin Air -- January 30, 2023

Behind a paywall; will watch for story elsewhere, but this pretty much says it, from The Bismarck Tribune:

To the reader who sent me the link:

" ...Bakken Energy has already spent $4.76 million of that money and is unlikely to return it."

I assume most of that money went to pay officers, directors, CPAs, and lawyers.

I never had much hope for this -- in the big scheme of things, it certainly appears some snake oil salesmen outsmarted the state.

A Note To The Granddaughters

I can't remember if I have previously posted this, but it's too precious to lose.

Yesterday at Jason's Deli after the soccer game, I was talking with my son-in-law about secondary containment on well pads in the Bakken.

He is consulting with an oil company on this very issue: pad design. The younger granddaughter, age 7, who had just scored 7 of the 11 points in the 11-0 trouncing of their adversary, was bored with my monologue on secondary containment.

After we got up to go -- they were driving, I was biking -- our older granddaughter, the 10-year-old, came up to me and said she was not bored with the discussion. She had been very quiet, but it turns out she was listening and understanding. She told me that landfills are required to use liners to prevent waste from getting into ground water. She also knew about various layers of clay and gravel to protect landfill waste from getting into the ground water.

I asked her how she knew this: she said she read a book on the environment in her school library.

1 comment:

  1. Up by Noonan, we had that wonderful clay soil...was good for holding moisuture, and other things as well... lol!!


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