
Thursday, January 26, 2023

Another Great Day -- January 26, 2023


Semis: one word -- Daimler 

Ports: subject for the day. But first, I am taking Sophia to schooll.

Back to the Bakken

The Far Side: link here.

Active rigs: 45.

WTI: $81.29.

Natural gas: $2.854.

Friday, January 27, 2023: 65 for the month; 65 for the quarter, 65 for the year
39046, conf,  CLR, Kelling 6-4H,
38917, conf,  Rampart Energy, Coteau 3
38731, conf,  Hess, EN-Neset-LW-156-94-0706H-1,
38162, conf,  Hess, BB-Budahn A-LN-150-95-0403H-1,

Thursday, January 26, 2023
: 61 for the month; 61 for the quarter, 61 for the year
39047, conf,  CLR, Kelling 7-4H1,
38583, conf, Whiting, Dexter TTT 11-26-2H,
38581, conf, Whiting, Maria TTT 11-26HU,

RBN Energy: credit system provides US refiners a way around Tier 3 specifications, part 4.

If you buy premium gasoline, you’ve probably noticed its price differential versus regular has been increasing in recent years. That is a sign of the rising value of octane, the primary yardstick of gasoline quality and price. In this blog series we’ve examined a new gasoline sulfur specification called Tier 3, which is causing complications for U.S. refiners looking to balance octane and gasoline production while still meeting the regulatory limits on sulfur. In today’s RBN blog, the fourth and final on this topic, we provide an analysis of the obscure Sulfur Credit Averaging, Banking and Trading (ABT) system, which allows refiners to buy credits to stay in compliance with the Tier 3 specs. The price of these credits quintupled in 2022, another sign of a tight octane market that will be attracting increased attention in the months and years ahead.

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