
Thursday, November 24, 2022

Thanksgiving -- 2022

A wonderful family day today. 

I'm emotionally exhausted. So many great family "interactions" which seem to make all the other non-family stuff I do, including blogging, seem so trivial in comparison.

I don't know how I will feel in the morning but right now I'm thinking I may blog the bare minimum to simply keep the blog going, only blogging on the Bakken itself, but none of the other stuff. I doubt I will reply to any e-mail tomorrow.

I don't know. 

We'll see. 

Celebrating America

A Musical Interlude

I could not have asked for a better life than what I experienced growing up in Williston, ND, but it surprises me that we had "no" music in the house -- from the radio or a record player -- with one exception. The first four children all took piano lessons. After the fourth one I think mom gave up ... my brother (child #4) was just too "much" for her when it came to the piano. All of us moved on from piano to playing various instruments in the school band. 

I don't recall if her fifth child took piano lessons; for sure #6 did not.

So, with no music in the house -- and my dad loved to sing and dance -- as I discovered late in life -- I have no music or any song that I can connect with my parents.

But, interestingly, there is one song that reminds me of my family -- particularly my parents -- and my years in Williston. It's the one song -- and the only song -- that when it comes on the radio while driving, I am forced to stop on the shoulder of the road to let it play to the end before driving on. [Obviously on urban interstates / heavy urban traffic I don't stop.]

A 1960 instrumental, I was nine years old at the time, and I doubt I heard it when it first came out. I have no idea when I first heard it.

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