
Friday, November 4, 2022

Only One Thing Bakken Bulls Need To Know Today -- Look At Price Of Oil -- Taking The Day Off -- Good Luck To All -- November 4, 2022

Is there any reason to even blog today?

Yup: October "jobs" numbers out today. If the EIA manipulates "oil demand" data, is there any doubt the BLS manipulates "jobs" data? Asking for a friend.  From earlier this week, re-posting:

Apparently someone re-ran the EIA numbers back in July --

From the other day, re-posting:

I don't watch CNBC any more, but if this is not the lead story (and the only story) on CNBC ....

So, no, I'm not taking the day off, but I'll be off the net for the next thirty minutes or so. 

Ticker DVN: 

Someone questioned the "need" for MRO to invest in Eagle Ford at the price they paid as reported yesterday -- obviously someone failed to look at price of oil today.

Diesel on East Coast trending toward $150 / bbl.

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