
Monday, September 19, 2022

ISO NE: Something Strange Is Going On -- September 19, 2022

I don't check into ISO NE every day, but I check iin enough to know when something different is happening.

Today is one of those days.

First, today, the wind is not blowing.

Renewable contribution is only 4% -- about as low as it ever gets -- and the proportion of wind contributing to renewables is also about as low as it gets: 9%. Four percent of nine percent = 0.36% -- that's about one-third of one percent. 

Then, look at this: the contribution of nuclear plus natural gas is an astounding 93%. Normally is runs in the high 70s.

And then, this: net imports is a negative. Right now a negative three percent; earlier it was a negative four percent. I don't know what that means. "Negative" in this realm suggests ISO NE is selling some of their electricity, or perhaps, cutting back on some agree-to contracts (whether that can be done or not, I don't know). 

Doesn’t add up to 100%, either.

But 93% contribution by nuclear plus natural gas. Hydro is down to 2% which keeps the price of electricity down.

The graphics:

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