
Friday, July 8, 2022

Release The Kraken? Nope, Release The Turbine -- July 8, 2022

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This strikes me as the funniest story all week. Different media sources have talked about it all week; here's one.

It appears the fate of Europe hangs on a turbine being held hostage. LOL.

So, Gazprom needed a turbine "repaired" for its Nord Stream 1 pipeline that the company couldn't do in-house; couldn't even do in Russia. Couldn't even do in the European theater of operations.

Gazprom had to send the turbine all the way to Canada for "repair."

Are you kidding me?

Now, Canada refuses to send the turbine back to Gazprom, citing Biden's sanctions on Russia. LOL.

So the future of the EU hangs in the balance as the “powers that be” fight over a single turbine.


  1. let them Eat Cake. don

    1. By this time next summer Europe won't have enough natural gas to bake break.


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