
Friday, July 29, 2022

Release The Kraken! July 29, 2022

For the past 72 hours, ABC Evening News et al have tried their hardest to scare the
American public into a panic over monkeypox, a sexually transmitted disease accelerated through male homosexual orgies. 

Didn't work.

Release the kraken!

Start hoarding chocolate now. You have the rest of July (this weekend), August, September, and almost all of October to get all the chocolate you think you might need. 

Off the net for an hour.

My wife and I are headed to Target to start hoarding. I'll report back.

The Twins Turned Two Years Old A Couple Of Months Ago

They speak three languages:

  • sign language to communicate with their parents
  • twin language between the two of them
  • very, very early English -- delayed due to "twin language"


  1. The Mid-term Elections are Nov 8th. with a Shortage of Candy this may swing the voters in voting decisions that are of Grave consequences. don

    1. Dr Oz in Pennsylvania needs to start stocking up with "walk-around candy." By the way, we did go shopping today and bought our first Hershey chocolates for Halloween. One bag once a week and we'll hardly notice any effect on our budget. LOL.


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