
Saturday, July 16, 2022

Busy, Busy Saturday Morning -- July 16, 2022

First things first: 

We have a new meme: "Breakfast falafels." Tina Fey probably wrote that line. LOL. We can't let "breakfast tacos" get all the press. 

Chorizo: Speaking of which, I'll be off the net for a few minutes while I make one of my world-famous omelettes.

I now understand why world-class omeletteers make 3-egg omelettes. You need that many for all the fillings. My biggest decision every day: should the meat component be chorizo or Spam. 
Not woke? My google blogging app does not recognize "chorizo." Every time I type "chorizo" I'm prompted to check the spelling.

NBC coverage of The Open: the almost complete "blackout" of the LIV players is very, very disappointing. 

Most perplexing energy story: link here. My original comments / observations / conclusions are spot on, but I think there's more to the story. I will post my thoughts later. 

Quick: name the top story that did not come out of the Biden meeting with Saudi Arabia. Hint: not politically correct right now. If this issue did not come up during Biden's visit I would be very, very surprised. 

The new M2 Apple MacAir: this is a game changer. This is getting back to Steve Jobs original vision. More on this later.  While waiting, this link.

Crypto: another one in trouble. Coinbase. Big question: are the proposed cryptomining plans for MonDak dead in the water?

NY Times: it appears I now have a full / limited subscription with online NY Times. At no cost. More on this later. Later: nope. It appears my "subscription" with the NY Times  is limited but has expanded.

Crypto: this story explains a lot. Huge story. NY Times. A stand-alone post later. When I first saw the headline I thought it was a two-year old story; how wrong I was. Published July 15, 2022. Absolutely amazing. Five words: everything in Texas is bigger. Archived.

Amazon: another huge story. Still not sure how accurate it is. Link here. Will be a stand-alone post later. This Forbes article, October 19, 2021, will provide background. Some irony here: I have a "subscription" for both Amazon-branded coffee and Starbucks coffee K-pods, and a delivery of both will arrive today. I just received a message from Amazon that the first order has been delivered. [One minute later: the second order has also been delivered.]

Tesla: an important story? I don't know.

Climate: a reader noted that there is an old adage, "the hotter the summer, the colder the winter." That's been my experience also, and, yes, at my age, I can say, "based on my experience." LOL. North and South Dakota, 1936. Headline from BBC: Heatwave: national emergency declared after UK's first red extreme heat warming. A stand-alone post later. Link here. This will not affect their electricity grid: the Brits don't have air conditioning.

Electric power: I don't think many/most folks realize that EVs will not do the heavy lifting. We already know that EV pickups cannot even tow something as "small" as a horse trailer (don't take that out of context). And that's just the beginning. Look at this behemoth. Link here. A stand-alone post later. 

Deere: speaking of which -- that harvesting combine mentioned above ... I'm still fully invested. I have a revenue stream that allows me to invest twice a month. Discussed earlier. My current mix for new allocations: 50%, Buffett-like, blue-chip, Fortune 500 companies; 30%, tech; and 20%, energy. 

It's easy to find the tech in which I want to invest; it's relatively easy to find the energy (oil) in which I want to invest; the 50% allocation is more difficult, but it may be worth looking at DE. Expensive per share, but like everything else, way off its high. Small dividend but enough to meet my requirements. 
For the first time ever, I've started a position in CAT this past week. DE might be a nice complement to CAT.

Disclaimer: this is not an investment site.  Do not make any investment, financial, job, career, travel, or relationship decisions based on what you read here or think you may have read here.

All my posts are done quickly: there will be content and typographical errors. If anything on any of my posts is important to you, go to the source. If/when I find typographical / content errors, I will correct them.

Quick: name the most abundant protein on earth. 

Corky Has A Side Gig

Regular readers know all about our granddaughter Sophia and her fluffy, Corky. Corky has been with her for five or six years now. Corky currently self-identifies as a "he," but for the longest time, Corky was a "she." 

Corky has a habit of "disappearing" sometimes for weeks at a time before showing up again. We never know where Corky has been but Sophia generally knows. Sophia says Corky often goes on vacation to visit her foster parents in Michigan, or maybe Wisconsin. I forget which. 

The fact that Corky, a piggy, has foster parents has something to do with bacon. It's a long story, but apparently not a sad story. LOL. 

But now, of all things, here it is, Sophia has a side gig. We discovered that this morning when I drove Sophia too a friend's birthday party.


  1. The talking heads finally mentioned the existence of LIV golf. But only in the sense that Rory has outspoken in his support of PGA and is now the flag bearer, and of course, now EVERYONE'S favorite to win the Open.

    1. That's funny. I was only able to catch a few minutes of The Open due to commitments with Sophia, but I actually caught that snippet. I was quite surprised to hear that. Yes, NBC/PGA really, really needs someone to step into the gap left by Tiger Woods. It also seems to validate that NBC is hearing from its viewers that it's very obvious that NBC is "erasing" LIV players, including Phil Mickelson. I doubt Mickelson will say anything publicly but I bet I know what he's thinking. You know, Phil, will be removed from every PGA promo / ad going forward. It will be like he never existed.

  2. Thats the type of thing the Kremlin and Beijing does to those who fall out of favor.

    1. Exactly my thought. One wonders how much DC (Washington, and the US mainstream media) really do censor.

  3. The "Peoples Republic of Korea" just feeds em to the dogs.

    1. I'm sure that's not far from the truth. Sad to say.

  4. Berkshire Hathaway top 5 holdings. Here’s your 50%.

    Bank of America
    American Express
    Coca Cola

    You are welcome. Always willing help an elderly person who has lost a step. I hope to be there someday.

    1. Thank you, but don't feel sorry for the elderly; we're doing quite well, thank you. LOL.

  5. Berkshire Hathaway holdings as off end of may 2022.
    Only 53 stocks.

    1. Thank you. Much appreciated. He would have done better with one stock: AAPL. And he does own a lot of companies outright.


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