
Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Military Aircraft Crash In Southern California -- June 8, 2022

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  1. Two questions-
    1-How unstable/deadly does the MV-22 platform have to get before USMC pulls it? I know there are politics
    2- In that part the country, who were we planning on nuking? Kinda tongue in cheek

    1. Very, very sad day for the USMC.

      With regard to nukes, that made no sense to me, and news outlets now report there was no nuclear material on the aircraft. If true, one wonders how these rumors got started in the first place?

  2. USMC is a highly mobile force thus is dependent on troop transport. Troop transport is all the osprey does. This osprey was on a training mission for something but definitely not how to deliver nuclear weapons.

    US does train on nuclear weapons delivery tactics but uses inert, not live weapons. Current treaties prohibit above ground testing of nuclear weapons anywhere on earth including glamis ca. It is 2022 and thus hard to believe there are reporters running around that are confused about this but here we

    1. Thank you so much. Well said. Training with "dummy" nuclear warheads was a big, big deal in the USAF. I had forgotten all about that and certainly never thought of USMC having to possibly move tactical nukes around. Thank you.


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