
Monday, June 6, 2022

Geico Rock Award Nominations For 2022

A reader suggested Joe Biden be nominated for the 2022 Geico Rock Award for any number of categories.

The committee has already decided that Joe Biden will honored with a lifetime achievement award when the 2022 Geico Rock Award is announced on January 15, 2023. At the same time he will be inducted into the Geico Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

VP Kamala Harris is disqualified for said award due to the fact that her "word salad" responses are so non-sensical no one knows what she might have known when or if she even knew anything to begin with.


  1. Hearkening unto the biblical admonition that "Many are called, but few are chosen", I'm thinking that both Pres. Biden and VP Harris are undoubtedly qualified for each and any awards on each and every level! Personally, I'd favor "pet rock" but that would denigrate the rocks I already have in our back yard~

    1. You are quite correct. By the end of this summer, folks will note that "pet rocks" had a longer "15 minutes of fame" than both Biden and Kamala combined.


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