
Friday, May 20, 2022

Hess Reports Six Dry Holes On One BW-Rolfson Pad In Siverston Oil Field -- May 20, 2022

From a October 29, 2019, post:

Six new permits, #37136 - #37141, inclusive --

  • Operator: Hess
  • Field: Siverston (McKenzie)
  • Comments: 
    • Hess has permits for a 6-well BW-Rolfson pad in section 21-151-98, Siverston oil field

From May 19, 2022:

  • Hess reports six dry holes, #37136 - #37141, inclusive: BW-Rolfson wells in McKenzie County

The Siverston oil field is tracked here.  

These wells were being drilled in April, 2022.

From January 26, 2022:

Name changes of interest:

  • Hess "PA'd" six BW-Rolfson wells (#37136 - #37140, inclusive)

So, of course, nothing makes sense. Supposedly PA'd in January, 2022, but then a Noble 1 drilling rig on this pad drilling these wells in April, 2022? I can't do any more "research" until the NDIC website is back up and running and we can see the file reports.  

If these wells were truly drilled to depth, the question is whether they were fracked. This is in a great oil field so it's extremely unlikely if these were DUCs, they would have been abandoned before being completed. Did a zipper frack go bad and affect all six wells? 

Perhaps someone knows. If not, hopefully the NDIC site eventually brings up the scout tickets and the file reports as they used to be. 

Later, see comments.


  1. The hole 6 was drilled back in October (after all the wells were spud I think) and then the rig suddenly moved to En J Horst.. Then these wells were changed to status TASC. Then Noble came again on 4/4... not sure why a spud well needed toshow up again nor why the drilling rig suddenly moved locations. Disagreement with other producer?? Other lease issues??

    1. Other lease issues? Very interesting. I bet you are correct. Every month on the hearing dockets there are a couple of lease issues. This would explain a lot. Thank you. Once the file reports are up ...


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