
Friday, May 20, 2022

$113 -- Going Into The Weekend -- May 20, 2022

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Energy Transition Is Dead

Link here. "Energy transition is dead" is tracked here.

Over the NEXT decade? Give me a break. Call Greta. A "decade" is like forever.


  1. Meanwhile back in USA power cost in Texas is north of $350/MWH, ISO New England is south of $50/MWH

    1. Thanks. Needed the update. I can't remember, but I think I explained why the rates are so high in Texas right now. A great problem to have.

  2. I though the EU wanted ALL cars to be EV'S by 2040..a decade from now is 2032..

    1. EVs and source of energy can be two different things. EVs run on electricity that can be produced by anything: wood chips, coal, natural gas, wind, solar, nuclear, even oil (which the Saudis use to generate electricity). So, if one is talking about coal, the EU is simply replacing Russian natural gas with non-Russian coal, but the EU can still mandate EVs. Interestingly enough, if the continent is "short" oil, the continent (Germany, Poland, France, etc) is not short coal. Plenty of coal.


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