
Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Charts And Polls -- April 26, 2022

Poll: back to the poll at the right -- how many new wind turbines did the US install in CY21? The answer ... drum roll .... seven.  [Later: see comments.]

Yes, seven, which will take us to the graph below.

Link here: the future looks grim for wind turbine manufacturers. The source? Bloomberg. Yes, Bloomberg

The Graph Below

Link here.

YouGov could have added "new wind turbines installed."

  • true number: 7.
  • perception: 7,000.

Be sure to read the social comments. I find it interesting so many folks are unable to read a "graph." I'm also amazed at folks that don't trust this data. If one doesn't trust the blue dot-data, that's fine; just compare your "estimates" to the red dot-data.

The entire chart is interesting. There is a "natural break" of sorts at line item "live in California." Those line items above "live in California" suggest one thing, those below "live in California" is another thing.

Above the "live in California" line, I still find it amazing that:

  • only 4% of Americans are members of a union;
  • only 5% are vegan or vegetarian

Below the "live in California" line, I find it surprising:

  • 14% of Americans are first-generation immigrants (awesome)
  • education:
    • advanced degree: 12% (impressive)
    • at least a college degree: 33% (very impressive)
    • at least a high school degree: 65% -- it should be 100%
    • half of all Americans have not read a book in the past year -- think about that for a minute
  • own a house: only 49% (that means about 51% of Americans really can't afford an EV, for multiple reasons); I've always thought it was closer to 61%;
  • a large percentage of Americans have never flown on a plane
  • a large percentage of Americans do not own a car
  • I was surprised how many owned a pet
  • line item with highest percentage: owning a smartphone


  1. Check your wind turbine facts. In my area we’ve had many more than that in 2021

  2. You are way off on wind turbines installed.

    1. See original link to The Wall Street Union:


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