
Monday, March 14, 2022

China Shuts Down Foxconn, Shenzhen -- March 14, 2022

Markets: could be a huge day for opportunity buying. I have trouble believing market will not fall significantly today on news coming out of China. Shutting down their largest economic center: Shenzhen.

Link here.

One of the best things I ever did on the blog was a create a Chinese map with US overlay to help me remember the geography of China. Shenzen (wiki entry here) is in the Guandong province just to the east of Hong Kong. See map below. I did not "re-label" Taiwan, but you can guess what it would be labeled had I done that. It really is quite amazing. Shutting down Shenzen would be like the US shutting down Silicon Valley, Detroit, and Houston.

Two things are going to happen:

  • oil: perceived short-term Chinese oil demand will plummet, taking oil prices with it; and,
  • AAPL: Apple's big Foxconn center is shut down. 

The question is this: is Dr Fauci providing Beijing advice on the Covid pandemic? He has not been seenin the US in weeks. Is this "legit" or is this a financial-political gambit on the part of the Chinese for other reasons?

How long will the shutdown last? The tea leaves suggest two weeks.


Speaking of China, I've never been able to wrap my head around the history of the Far East. China has always fascinated me but try as I might, I seem to make no headway.

Some years ago, trying to keep track of cities and regions in China, I put together a pretty nice map that has actually held up over time.

From an earlier post: 
Today's there's a headline article over at Yahoo!Finance about Nanking, China, a "second-tier" city in that country with a population of over 8 million, similar to that of NYC. The best thing I ever did with regard to geography on the blog was "fix" a picture in my mind of what China "looks like." Nanking? Where is it? If it were on the US map, it would be a suburb northwest of Charleston, SC, (Shanghai) up the Yangtze River. Maybe similar to Summerville, SC, where we lived for several years. 

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