
Friday, February 25, 2022

Why Are The Markets So Strong Today -- Pop Quiz -- Palindromic Friday - 2-25-22

So much more to blog today but still running behind, so additional blogging will be delayed, but a reader sent me screen shots of the markets' advances today. I couldn't resist.

At that moment, the advances in the US markets are quite remarkable. 

Question, what's driving the market? Should be easy, huh? But, in fact, there are at least seven line items, and one can guess which is most important for investors. The first six:

  • all countries involved are now reaching out diplomatically to end hostilities;
  • hostilities seem to have peaked and may now be reaching steady state;
  • the nuclear option for sanctions (SWIFT denial) has not yet materialized;
  • all that talk of $200 oil has now settled down, and in fact, both WTI and Brent are coming down a bit;
  • sector rotation;
  • US economic data is particularly strong (new housing starts; low number receiving unemployment cash; gasoline demand);

There are probably others I'm forgetting or missing but there is one that I have not forgotten and for investors, it's the most important. 

The answer is at the very bottom of this post:

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