
Saturday, February 5, 2022

It's Going To Be An Incredible Day For Blogging -- February 5, 2022

Several new "observations" from overnight and earlier this morning. It will take time to get to all of them but I think I'm going to be posting some worthwhile information. I will post that later. I have to wake up first so, first, just a bunch of rants and raves.

If interested only in the Bakken, skip this page and come back later. Say, about eight hours from now.

ProBowl tomorrow. No, I have no plans to watch. 

Tracking Elon Musk: I would post the link to the twitter account that tracks Elon Musk's jet but it's the most obnoxious account I have ever run across. 

Won't post it. Absolutely worthless, but I did see where the jet was flying this past week. Whoo-hoo! By the way, if Elon Musk is seriously worried about security issues, as I've stated before, he simply has to buy three or four jets, rent them out to, say, NetJet, and that would be the end of that.

#GoFundMe with regard to the Canadian convoy: 

I'm getting reports that #GoFundMe for the Convoy, shut down by Trudeau, is now refunding all donations directly by e-mail. There is no need to request the refund, and the money is not going to be "stolen" by the Canadian government and donated to other "worthy funds." Unconfirmed.

Spotify: as the numbers come out -- 

it's becoming more and more obvious why Joe Rogan will win this battle, and Joni Mitchell will not.

Spotify: unfortunately it's behind a paywall, but The WSJ has an incredibly (everything is relative) good article on Neil Young and Spotify. "Inside Spotify's Joe Rogan Crisis." From that article we get the following graph:

How is that graph helpful? LOL. This is what Wall Street analysts do. In three clicks or three steps one can find the "dollar value of Apple Music." Maybe I'll do that later. 

The bigger story for non-Wall Street analysts: that graphic told me what Apple has to gain.The average Spotify user will stick with Spotify or move to Apple. Period. Dot.

The most interesting item from that graphic: how far down "YouTube Music" is in the rankings.

And finally, a reminder, Apple Music just announced that its free trial is being cut from three months to one month.


  • Saturday morning, brunch
  • paltry demand at 15500 MW
  • electricity priced at 8th decile; highest decile NE will ever reach
  • of the 15,500 MW,
    • renewables providing 1400 MW
      • wind: 672 MW
      • 672 / 15,500 = 4.3% (wind, and today is the "max" wind will provide, or very close)
    • oil: 4%

Texas grid:

Ford: waited until after closing time, Friday night to make this announcement -- chip shortage will force Ford to halt or cut production at eight plants

Can you imagine what this would have done to share price of Ford shares had this been announced during trading hours. Sort of leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It's 10:39 a.m. CT; the source published this article "7 hours ago" or around midnight. It's possible this information was announced during the day but I didn't see it until well after closing time. 
However, having said that, there are a number of story lines here. I might come back to this later.

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