
Saturday, January 15, 2022

NE ISO Update; "Green CO2" -- January 15, 2022

Link here. Also, here for earlier updates.

  • 4:38 p.m. ET, Boston:
  • current demand: 18,394 MW at $223.86 / MW
  • renewable energy:
    • has been decreasing ever so slightly since noon;
    • now providing 1714 MW
    • wind provides 59% of that 1714 = 1,011 MW
  • coal is maxed out in New England; a typical coal plant: 500 MW
  • a typical nuclear plant: 1,000 MW
  • if wind were to go to "zero," that would be "equal" to two coal plants
  •  bottom line -- right now: NE ISO is relying completely on "wind holding." If NE ISO loses wind tonight, it could be a tough twenty-four hours. 
  • during the middle of the night last night, wind dropped to 885 MW 

Late afternoon, Satuday, January 15, 2022:

Early dinner, Saturday, January 15, 2022:

  • total demand is not particularly remarkable and really no different than earlier;
  • but look at that continuing need for Canadian hydroelectricity and natural gas peaking and now falling?
  • this makes me think of watching a slow-moving train wreck or the 24-hour I-95 closure a couple of weeks ago.

The worst is over for the day; after dinner, below the day's max

Late night, January 15, 2022: low demand, but lots of oil being burned:

  • again, assuming natural gas is the preferred fossil fuel of the three (natural gas, coal, and oil) it is interesting that this much oil is being burned and the fact that natural gas component is plummeting suggests natural gas inventories are an issue.

"Green CO2 Is Not As Bad As "Black CO2"

From a reader: 

All I can say is, wow, Mother Nature is seriously mixing her elements sending massive amounts of natural green CO2 into the atmosphere ... the Tonga eruption ...
... keep an eye out for any readings comparing how much CO2 this one explosion put into the atmosphere vs. how much mankind contributes.
The last big volcanoes in Iceland, from what I remember, the CO2 that was ejected into the atmosphere in four (4) days was equal to the entire manmade CO2 contribution for an entire year (not yet snoped but I know I read that somewhere so it must be true [TIC or TFIC].

But ignoring the global warming trauma, I was more impressed with the lighting bolts that added to the drama....hope the boat got away from the pyroclastic flow tho:

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