
Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Agree 1000% With BofA --Tesla -- January 19, 2022

I didn't read the article. just saw the headline.

From ZeroHedge: Tesla's market share will collapse "in next few years."

I wonder if the article mentions these two things:

  • Tesla just pushed back its biggest money-maker: the CyberTruck, ceding first mover advantage to Ford; and,
  • no style changes in any of the Tesla models since originally launched; this didn't hurt Saab ... except Saab no longer makes cars.

SAAB Automobile initially went bankrupt in 2011 and, after a brief period under another company, stopped producing cars under the Saab name in 2014. Therefore, no, Saab is no longer making cars. ... SAAB is a Swedish company that began in aerospace and defense in the 1930s. -- Source.

The "best" two cars we ever owned were Saabs; owned them at the same time, a "his" and "hers." Both cars served us well while overseas. We left them in Europe in perfect condition. Gave the first one away when we left Germany, on our way to Turkey, and then gave the other one away when we departed Turkey. I remember well giving the first one away; don't recall who got the second car. Would have been left at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey. They were built to European specs and would not have passed US specs. US manufacturers protect(ed) their turf.

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