
Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Stagflation: A Reader Weighs In -- October 12, 2021

Definition: In economics, stagflation or recession-inflation is a situation in which the inflation rate is high, the economic growth rate slows, and unemployment remains steadily high. It presents a dilemma for economic policy, since actions intended to lower inflation may exacerbate unemployment. Wikipedia.

Once fossil fuels reaches the breaking point.  A price point caused by the green new deal (carbon tax/methane tax), or whatever the Dems call the kickback to funnel money to wind and solar with much siphoned off to fund Dems election, think Solandra.

Limited NG to east coast.  Of course all fossil fuels are the fault.  But we know it is pipeline.

Average citizen will not be able to function with high costs for energy and all products because of transportation costs.  Business will pull the help wanted signs.

We are not looking at stagflation.  More like deep recession to depression.  Stocks will start to fall at that time. Bitcoin will be the last reserve.

---------------: was a huge landowner, blacksmith, developed a rust resistant wheat.  At one time sold enough to plant a million acres in ND, SD, MT, MN and Canada.

The depression just about took him out.  One report: lost a million dollars in stocks.  Only the land holdings carried him through.

Women are dropping out of the workforce or not choosing to re-enter.

Printing money only lasts so long.  Germany didn't have enough wheelbarrows.

Not ready for prime time.

Questions: how many are available to work and choose not too.  To this point automation has delayed much free spending the last forty years.  I don't know when but the chicken will come home to roost.  No free lunch.

The reader mentions recession / depression. I'm thinking regional recessions. 

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