
Monday, October 4, 2021

NDIC Has Started Posting Production Data For August, 2021; CLR Reports A DUC -- October 4, 2021

"They've" been reading the blog: the road to New England -- drastic rate increases for electricity and natural gas. Link here. The article at the link was posted October 3, 2021; my story, same subject, much easier to understand, was post a couple of days earlier. ISO New England

New England Patriots: speaking of New England. Last night's NFL game between the New England Patriots and the Tampa Bay (TB) Buccaneers / Tom Brady (TB) was the second most-watched SNF game ever. 

At a Total Audience Delivery of 28.5 million, on NBC, Peacock and various other digital platforms, the Bucs 19-17 win over the Pats in an often very wet prime time is only topped by the 30.3 million who tuned in for SNF on December 30, 2012. That Cowboys vs Washington battle for the NFC East title snared 30.3 million, to be the fifth most watched Sunday NFL game ever.

Say what! To save the world, the Norwegians are going to discourage folks from buying EVs? Say what? Norway is said to be considering imposing a luxury tax on high-end EV models. The big question is this: with all the money Norway is making selling oil off its coast why do they even need to tax anything? And isn't "high-end EV" redundant? Is there such a thing as a low-end EV, one that can be parked inside a garage?

Back to the Bakken

Bakken production: it appears that the NDIC has published production data for each producing well for August, 2021. I'll start updating wells of interest ASAP.

WTI: closed up 2.3%; up $1.73; closed at $77.61. 

Active rigs:

Active Rigs2711586459

Two new permits, #38596 - #38597, inclusive:

  • Operator: Ovintiv
  • Field: South Tobacco Garden (McKenzie)
  • Comments:
    • Ovintiv has permits for two wells in South Tobacco Garden, 
    • lot 1 section 4-149-99, sited between 462 and  442 FNL and 444 FEL;

One producing well (a DUC) was reported as completed:

  • 36581, PNC/drl, CLR, Pasadena Federal 12-11H1, Banks, comment: the scout ticket says the status of this well is PNC. It appears CLR was notified that the permit would expire but renewed the permits. One day of production, 8/21 with minimal production.

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