
Sunday, October 10, 2021

A Closer Look At The Whiting Satterthwaite Wells Coming Off The Confidential List -- October 10, 2021

Note: in a long note like this, there will be content and typographical errors. I will correct them as I find them. 

Okay, this might take awhile, and it really gets deep into the weeds, so if you want to skip this one, go ahead and move on. But I had a lot of fun sorting this one out. 

The following Whiting well will come off the confidential list this week. Because it's still on the confidential list, I don't know where the horizontal leg will run. Obviously it's sister well on the same pad will also be coming off the confidential list soon.

But I figured it out -- where the horizontal legs will run.

First, look at the location and siting of these two wells, #36916 and #36917. They are sited north/south of each other suggesting the laterals will run west/east but when looking at the map it was hard to make sense out of it.


The well:

  • 36916, conf, Whiting, Satterthwaite 14-35TFHU, Robinson Lake, early production:
DateOil RunsMCF Sold

So, this was the problem. The scout ticket says they are "Robinson Lake" wells. Note the graphic: the Robinson Lake in the immediate area -- the wells run north / south, and right across the field line, those wells in the Sanish run in a westerly / easterly direction.

So, it would make sense that the two new Satterthwaite wells would run west / east also, but in the Robinson Lake? That doesn't make sense. First of all, Whiting is not going to run these horizontals across all those other north/south horizontals, and if they go south, they go into the Sanish oil field, not the Robinson Lake. In addition, Whiting doesn't "own" that particular area in the Robinson Lake. Another operator "owns" that area.

I made it more difficult than it needed to be. The two wells will be section line wells (2560-acre spacing) running along the Robinson Lake side of the Robinson Lake / Sanish field line, or along the same section line, on the Sanish side of the line.

But two wells? Yup. One is a middle Bakken well and the other, the one coming off the confidential list this week is a Three Forks well. It all fits.

Now, to confirm it. 

First, the names of the wells: Satterthwaite. It turns out there is an existing (very old) Satterthwaite well in the immediate area:

  • 19005, 1,289, Whiting, Satterthwaite 43-1H, Sanish, t2/11; cum 243K 9/21;

Now, it gets very interesting. 

If in fact, I'm correct (and I am, LOL), then if Whiting has fracked these two new Satterthwaite wells, then perhaps the older, actively producing wells in the area might show an increase in production (halo effect) or might be off line. 

So, let's check:

Recent production of that older #19005, Satterthwaite well:

PoolDateDaysBBLS OilRunsBBLS WaterMCF ProdMCF SoldVent/Flare

Now for the other two wells in the immediate area and which will parallel the new Satterthwaite wells if I'm correct (and I am, LOL).

Look at the huge jump in production in the first well:

  • 22463, 1,119, Whiting, S-Bar 21-2H, Sanish, t7/12; cum 189K 8/21;
PoolDateDaysBBLS OilRunsBBLS WaterMCF ProdMCF SoldVent/Flare

Now, note the second well, which will also parallel the new Satterthwaite wells. This one is inactive / offline suggesting that a neighboring well has been recently fracked. Voila!!

  • 22464, IA/599, Whiting, S-Bar 21-2TFH, Sanish, t7/12; cum 120K 8/21;
PoolDateDaysBBLS OilRunsBBLS WaterMCF ProdMCF SoldVent/Flare

So, there it is, based on siting, names, which operator controls which existing wells, direction of existing horizontal walls, status of producing wells in the immediate area, and the halo effect, we know that the two new Satterthwaite wells coming off confidential list this next week are section line wells running along the Robinson Lake / Sanish field line. 

Ta da. 

Graphic: the likely location of the horizontal laterals of the new Satterthwaite wells. It's possible the laterals will actually be north of the Robinson Lake / Sanish oil field line. 

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