
Friday, September 24, 2021

Whiting With Three New Permits In Sanish Oil Field -- September 24, 2021

Apple, Inc: New York City's newest Apple store features [permanent] dedicated pick up zone. Link here

  • "Picking up your order from our patented built-in, instant-on, soft-close drawers makes buying the latest Apple device even more rewarding. They're the best drawers Apple has ever made -- we think you're gonna love them."
  • designed by IKEA?

General Milley: what he got right; what he got wrong -- Peggy Noonan at The WSJ. In the big scheme of things I agree with her. But have you noticed how fast the Afghanistan evacuation story disappeared? I mean, that story has really, really disappeared.

Energy poverty: when, not if; just a matter of time. UK, link here:

  • paying the highest ever wholesale electricity prices;
  • suffering the highest ever wholesale natural gas prices
  • rising retail power / gas prices
  • BP is running short of gasoline
  • 1.5 million households have seen their retail energy provider collapse

Peak oil? Worldwide energy shortage shows up in surging coal, gas and oil prices. Link to twitter and then to Reuters.

Back to the Bakken

Active rigs, NDIC no long reporting active rigs, best guess*:

Active Rigs24*11576457

Three new permits, #38581 - #38583, inclusive:

  • Operator: Whiting
  • Field: Sanish (Mountrail)
  • Comments:
    • Whiting has permits for three TTT Ranch wells, to be sited in NWNW 26-154-92; 
    • they will be sited 255 FNL and between 591 FWL and 531 FWL;

One permit renewed:

  • Lime Rock, #37841, State B 3-25-36H-143-97, in Dunn County

NDIC no longer reporting active rigs.


  1. I sometimes wonder how often General Li had phoned General Milley to advise him that "today, we will not be attacking Taiwan".

    1. LOL. Well, you know, the Japanese ambassador to the US said there were not plans for Japan to enter WWII about the same time the Japanese were launching their aircraft.


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