
Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Jim Cramer's Rant And An Ivermectin Story -- September 15, 2021

Jim Cramer opened with one of his longer openers on "what it takes for the next rally. It wasn't much of a rant at Jim Cramer rants go, but it wasn't bad. Jim Cramer is very, very negative about the "September market." He perpetuates the theme that September is a "bad month" for investors. I beg to differ: when wouldn't investors like buying opportunities. It may be different for traders.

Jim provided a list of fifteen items he felt were needed for the next leg up in the US equity markets.

Jim Cramer -- ingredients to make a rally (my comments in parentheses):

  • good employment numbers (at 5.2% unemployment we're pretty near full employment)
  • moderate inflation (historically it's near the norm, it seems; it only seems high because of several years of really, really low inflation)
  • chip shortage relief
  • easing supply chain
  • improved port conditions (why is there such a backlog at the ports; has anyone asked that question?)
  • earnings reports that reflect supply meeting demand
  • stabilization of input cost hikes
  • open schools: frees up parents to go back to work; closed schools contribute to labor shortage
  • decreased hospitalizations
  • increased air passengers (not gonna happen in the near term; folks are betting too much on increased air traffic)
  • improved hotel occupancy (this seems odd to be on this list)
  • rising rates due to more economic activity, not inflation
  • slowdown in underwritings
  • more buybacks: buy up excess shares
  • Washington and Beijing need to get off the radar screen (not going to happen)

Cramer had long interview with CEO of CVX. I'm disappointed in CVX although I don't quite understand why.

A Covid-19 Story


I don't have a dog in this fight. I just find it incredibly interesting. Just like the Bakken: when I first started blogging about the Bakken, I had no dog in that fight, no personal financial interest in the Bakken; it was simply an interesting story about which I was trying to figure out.

Same with Ivermectin. 

This link takes you to a story posted by a woman with personal experience with Covid-10. The writer is a designer and makes her living via Instagram, according to the individual who sent me the link. 

According to the reader, the woman who posted this story set up a separate Instagram account to share her story so they wouldn't take her account down and end her family's income stream. The reader says this will be interesting from a censorship perspective. I agree.

The link to the story is here.


  1. Hospital "Protocol" is killing patients as much as actual diseases. Started with HMO's taking over private practices. The "convenience" of one-stop shopping for Doc's and clinics has lead us here.
    Insurance/ Govt programs guide the DR's. Rarely do they think on their own.

    1. There's a lot of truth to that; physicians lost their independence about twenty years ago. Turned over the management of their practices to big corporations.


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