
Friday, August 27, 2021

Well, That Settles That -- Covid-19 Not Biowarfare -- August 27, 2021

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  1. these are the same folks who said Kabul was safe, or not, or was it 6 months or 11 months, or...What was the question again????

    1. Yes, the US intel community has lost a lot of respect ... as has the CDC. And most of Washington, for that matter, but then again, what's new?

  2. the Chinese believe Covid came from Fort Detrick and was dumped in Wuhan to cast blame on the Chinese..

    Rap song ‘Open the Door to Fort Detrick’ created by Chinese rappers urges the US open to coronavirus probe – – “Fort Detrick, more like a witch’s cauldron. How many plots came out of your labs? How many dead bodies hanging a tag? What you’re hiding, open the door to Fort Detrick."


    An online petition in China demanding that the WHO investigate the lab for any connections to the origins of the novel coronavirus was launched in July. It has gained over 25 million signatures online and has inspired people in the Philippines, Australia, Malaysia and South Korea to call on the US to "open the door" for a thorough probe.

  3. As soon as I saw "China demanding that the WHO investigate ..." that's all I needed to know.

    Sorry for the delay in posting this comment: I took the day off yesterday.


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