
Sunday, August 22, 2021

Stories We Might Get To Before The End Of The Day, Part 3 -- August 22, 2021


Something I wish I had never posted. Oil prices unlikely to collapse any time soon. Link to From August 19, 2021. 

Talk about poking a finger in the eye of the Greek god of petroleum, Ladi, a most unpredictable and unforgiving god, known for disliking the Arabs. A number of American shale oil CEOs regularly pray to Ladi, CFOs and investors as human sacrifices, but generally without anything to show for that generosity.

Delta's gift is hybrid immunity. Link here to The WSJ.  

Four weeks in July: inside the Biden White House while "struggling" to contain the delta surge. Link to The Washington Post. Not behind a paywall?

Sports venues:

  • pre-season NFL: it appears the days of mask wearing is pretty much over
  • stands are not always full but certainly large crowds
  • NASCAR: some masks but not noting a whole lot
  • PGA: no masks but it appears the PGA is limiting the number of spectators
  • the impression Americans are getting: masks not needed
  • a year ago, everything was shut down and the current surge is now worse than the one last year

Data: daily new cases -- one would expect this number to be much great then last year -- "everyone" is being test on an almost daily basis -- not entirely true, but it sure seems like there's been a lot of announcements requiring testing. 

DCCC - Nancy Pelosi fundraiser -- NAPA: no masks: link here. Except for the slave staff.

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